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2015-2016 Yemen Crisis

Policy Recommendations:
Since military intervention and airstrikes have proven to be ineffective in the past and causes more violence, therefore a political solution and reconciliation is the only feasible approach for reinstating peace in Yemen and the whole region.

Following are the policy recommendations for the United Nations (UN), Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the international community to play a constructive role in finding a political solution to Yemen crisis and bringing an end to the conflict:

* Regional peace force should be established to put a balanced political system into effect, by representing the majority of the Yemenis, and ensure the rule of majority population with participation of all minorities and ethnic groups.

* Arab coalition, Iran, and other regional stakeholders should adopt a multi-polar approach and take part in peace talks under the OIC banner, with the aim of bringing peace in the region, building confidence among the regional actors and preventing an action that would harm each other's interests in the region.

* Democratically elected local government should be supported to disarm armed groups and militants so that rule of law is enforced and central authority is established in the country.

* A reconciliation process should be initiated which may include general amnesty for Houthi rebels as well as militant groups who are willing to take part in peace talks and give up violent activities.

* The UN should establish an international investigation and reconciliation committee embodied by regional actors, including all local stakeholders and representatives of affected population to arbitrate the conflict-resolution, damage-control and generate development methods.

* International Fund should be established to help finance and re-settlement program for the victims of conflicts, and enhance health, education and employment opportunities for locals.